Monday, February 14, 2011

New Website For BOWdacious

Well it's official and has been for a few months now. Our Website is up and running and chock full of great items!

It was an adventure creating this site. Never having had any knowledge of these things. But I had a great company helping to create the site and my Mother-in-law and I posted products into the wee hours of the night, several nights over. It isn't completely finished, there are so many more that we are going to add.

What was most amazing, was the amount of products that we have brought to you, the consumer. I could not believe the amount of them that we had to upload. From great OTT (over-the-top) bows to car seat canopies and so much more.

I have aligned myself with a photographer for professional models, Hot Shot Images. Nissa is AMAZING! She has quite a way with children and Sparkles and Stars is also on board with our products.

Amazing things happen when you open the door to see what is on the other side. "BOW"dacious Fan Page on Facebook is getting quite a following with over 3100 fans and counting daily.

If you would be so kind as to click "FOLLOW" this blog, I promise to keep you updated and share some fun tips and secrets that you can use in your own business! Thanks for all you do!

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